How We Work


Register with Wellroomed by simply filling out our online application found under the login section in the upper right corner. Upon approval, you will gain access to our online showroom pricing and availability.


Explore our vast inventory to find the perfect furnishings for your needs. You can generate a quote and place orders directly through our website or work with one of our trusted designers to make your project a breeze. Once your order has been submitted we will confirm the availability of all items within 1 business day.  For more details view our service options and pricing.

(visits to our 14,000 square foot warehouse in Chicago’s Garfield Park Neighborhood can be arranged by appointment)


Wellroomed makes it easy with white glove delivery (and pickup). As soon as your order is confirmed we will reach out to you to schedule prompt delivery, typically within 2-5 business days.


Who can rent from you?
We rent to homeowners, design and real estate professionals including home stagers, stylists, set designers, developers, and realtors.

Do you stage homes, too?
If you are a homeowner or realtor looking for full-service staging, we will match you with one of our Designers HERE.

Is the furniture in good condition?
Our furniture is exceptionally well maintained. We lease for display or light use only to minimize wear and tear, and will never send out furniture that is stained, torn, or broken.

Can I rent furniture for daily use in my home?
We have recently added a 12-month minimum lived-in rental to our services.

What areas do you serve?
We happily serve all of Chicagoland.


How long will it take to get my order?
Once your order is confirmed we can schedule your delivery. Generally, you can expect delivery within 2-5 business days from the time of order. We will work with you to arrange the best possible schedule for your project.

How much does a rental cost?
The cost of rental varies depending on the items selected and the rental term. You can preview pricing information and generate quotes in our digital showroom after you have setup an account HERE.

Do you have a minimum?
No. The pieces in our inventory are priced individually, so you can rent as little as one item.

How can I access your digital showroom?
Our digital showroom is available for registered homeowners and professionals. You can register HERE.

Have a question we didn’t answer?
Please contact us HERE.